Today I want to introduce you to a mental health focused fitness method that focuses directly on the neurobiological benefits of exercise on the brain instead of on the body....a new definition to the term "brain fitness". Allow me to explain.

This innovative method is called, Polykinetics, which means "many movements". It is used as an adjunct therapy option to combat symptoms commonly associated with mental illnesses and/or mental disorders such as: depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, Autism, OCD, and even addiction, Dementia and Alzheimer's that has the guise of a mainstream fitness method.
It uses components of conventional cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR, and positive psychology, as well as, utilizing the neurological and psychological benefits of music all combined to create this incredibly effective and pragmatic method. Polykinetics conforms seamlessly to a wide-ranging demographic making it virtually universal to anyone who tries it. In fact, universality was a primary goal when initially designing it.
I have already tested it with various demographic groups and the results have been intriguing to say the least. Many spoke of how it not only challenged them physically but mentally as well when attempting to complete the exercise sequences. Many more were left scratching their heads pondering on how something so simplistic could be so challenging to them, and that is the beauty of what Polykinetics is.
A unique objective within Polykinetics is to use negative memories from our past (or distressing events that are currently happening) to "fuel" efforts into successfully completing a set of simplified controlled exercise sequences composed of well-known calisthenics. Thus, converting physiological stress into a positive and constructive physical strength; triggering the brain’s reward system with each successful sequence completed, and by doing this, distressing memories ultimately "lose power" or go through an extinction process and are less disruptive and intrusive to our daily lives.
Over time, when participants were asked to recall distressing memories, there was not an intense emotional response as there was before starting Polykinetics. They could recall and even talk about their past without succumbing to an emotional breakdown.
I am looking to initiate additional research and development in regards to the Polykinetics method. To professionally collaborate with pioneering leader’s in the mental health community, which is what has lead me to sending this letter to you today. I send this with a great ambition of introducing this potentially groundbreaking technique to you, and to pursue my own zealous ambition to improve stigmatized social perspectives on those with mental illness and/or disorders.
Which ultimately encourages more people with mental illnesses and disorders to seek help. A dilemma the mental health community still battles with today.
Best regards, Michelle L. Vargas Founder of Polykinetics