All standing full body no equipment small space knee friendly advanced Polykinetics workout sequence

Since 2014, Polykinetics simple tempo training has been the SMARTER NOT HARDER way to workout physically AND mentally.
"I can't believe something so simple can be so challenging"
- PK Client Toni W. Age: 50's Goal: Full Body Toning + Cardio
The first of its kind to use simple body weight exercise moves, strategically coordinated to multi-genre music; mixed with an empowering mindset (mentality) that focuses to improving both mental AND physical health at the same time in order to bring forth a better quality of daily life
......and all in less than 20 minutes and in 4 simple words:
You feel the effects almost immediately! Well most in between 30-45 seconds.
Polykinetics specializes in the foundational building blocks of physical fitness by utilizing basic tempo beats synchronized to basic exercises which helps to quickly and safely build up key muscle groups of the body, protect sensitive areas, but also optimize the brain without leaving your physical energy drained, or worse, injured from extreme and complicating routines!
Polykinetics means "many movements" and also has all the benefits of MANY traditional classes, all-in-one simple and effective technique while also improving key mental functions not found in standard styles of exercise workouts.
The Polykinetics difference.
"Stay on the Beat to Burn Fat and Build Muscle The Smarter Not Harder Way According To Science"
Cardio-infused anaerobic training: Tempo training at its best.
The moves (kinetics) or exercises of simple foundational and functional moves, organized to either a 2-count, 4-count or 8-count (slow and fast) tempo beat rate that's set to a beat speed (beats per minute) then performed over a duration of time. Typically at least 60 seconds.
Polykinetics can be performed either standing, sitting down, or lying down depending on ability and preferences. Just stay on the beat!
The exercise moves are easily modifiable by position and speed without causing complications or frustrations.
These kinetic sequences are structured and comprised of between 1-3 basic body-weight style exercises, repeating consistently in a rhythmic pattern coordinated to various styles of music or metronome based on their BPM (speed) and melodic composition (intensity fluctuations) to invoke both physical and mental responses that will work you in ways you didn't think were possible!
Like something out of a science fiction movie!
"If someone would have told me a month ago, I'd be doing squats for 4 minutes, I would've called them a 'liar', but I AM DOING SQUATS FOR 4 MINUTES!"
-PK Client Ellen H. Age: mid 40s Goal: Full body
Lastly, empowering and motivational mindset strategies are utilized throughout the session that helps us to feel in order to heal, logically define and comprehend our difficult experiences, as well as, understanding how to work with the emotions attached to our memories with science-backed strategies that take life to the next level of mental wellness one simple session at a time.
How do we do that in Polykinetics?
Music is universal and motivating; and the choices are endless with Polykinetics.
If it holds a beat, it's "PK compatible" and can be transformed into a powerful yet simplistic way of burning fat, building muscle AND dealing with difficult emotions and our ability to express it in an adaptive and productive way.
"Workout your problems....literally!"
Our individual experiences are so vast and unique and full of untapped energy, just like music itself which makes it the ideal medium to making magic!
Feeling happy and hyper?
There's a song and sequence for that!
Perhaps more doom and gloom?
There's a song and sequence for that state too!
Both are valid human experiences!
...and that's just one of the amazing immediate benefits about music, its effects on the brain; and how music is used within the Polykinetics fitness method.
"Out of clutter, find simplicity; from discord, find harmony, and in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Albert Einstein